u owe me

Thursday, May 5, 2011


assalamualaikum. okkkkkkaaaaaaaayyyyyy...
talking abt exam... hmmmm. actually,i luv exam. cause u have this part when u dont have to bring so many books to school. hohoh. but still,there are some things that i hate so damn much about it. i really hate the part where i have to suck all the informations i could get from my tiny little brain just to answer questions on few pieces of paper. u see... all of these kind of stuff is making me very stressed out. everyday i wake up thinking when am i goin to stop all these examination thing. huhuh. >.< if were to live in my own world,i'd rather be in a world that there will never be any examination. ohohohohohoh. O.o and ironically(haha).. I AM HAVING MY EXAMINATION NEXT WEEK!! huhuhuhuhuh. c.o.l. huhuh. urghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! twelve subjects! and a+?! and still... i am sitting in front of the computer and act like shit! hahahaha. dont worry... hahaha. (trying to calm myself) huhuuh. urghhh! suddenly i feel so bullshit like damn now. huh! helll yeahhhh!

1 comment:

  1. heyy,, exam mmg mcm tu, KILLING ALL THE STUDENTS! tp walau apa2 pun, good luck to you su!! all the best :D
